Just Get In Touch

What can we help you with today?

You can find answers quickly on our help and support pages or try the business forum in the Bio Oasis community. Or if you need to speak to someone, try to chat online.

Tel.: 0020 - 22 56 69 40
Fax: 0020 - 22 56 69 38
Mob.:002-0127 444 3364
Headoffice: 8 Saraya El-Kobba Square, 2nd floor, apt 5 Cairo, 11712 Egypt.
Sun - Thu 9AM - 5PM
Factory: South Tahrir ,El-Tahadi,Station 39,El-Beheira Governorate,Egypt
Tel: 002-0128 317 5559

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    Dr.Ahmed Seif El-Nasr
    General Manager
    Prof.Dr.Hamdy Seif El-Nasr
    Eng.Mona Hashem
    Social and Environmental Project Manager